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Garden Birds

The species list for the gallery is taken from the most commonly seen birds from the RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch. The annual survey is conducted in January so only winter resident birds that people often see in their garden are included.

The images are sourced from Flickr and Wikimedia. Image resolutions are 4k or higher so they look great on high definition displays. Audio recordings are sourced from Xeno Canto. Both images and recordings have been cropped for presentation.

I did this for fun. I am not a bird identification expert: some of the images and recordings are probably misidentified. If you notice anything wrong please contact me via LinkedIn or email alexmackie(@)pm(.)me with specifics. The sub-galleries which contain multiple images of the same species are particularly likely to contain mistakes.

This collection is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The collection author is Alexander Mackie.